Is it too late to start over?

Is it too late to start over?

Making Life Changes and Finding your Personal Destiny Have you hit a breaking point? You’ve put years of time into your career, into your family, your marriage, then something changes, abruptly. Did it first start within you growing stronger from your general...
The Healing Power Archetypal Art Therapy

The Healing Power Archetypal Art Therapy

The Healing Power of Archetypal Art Therapy First, I will set the stage for the healing power of archetypal art therapy. You struggle, find yourself stuck, and feel miserable. You keep showing up to do the work in treatment. Sessions are sometimes frustrating and...
Art as Alchemy

Art as Alchemy

Art as Alchemy First of all, I consider my art a conversation with my soul.  This goes way beyond just self-care, though I will say that it IS an act of self-care as well.  The slow deep process of art opens a path of concentrated listening.   In this space, one turns...