A Surprise Challenge
This is a story about how the universe is conspiring with you if you’re looking for it. Jung called it synchronicity. Quantum physics are providing us proof of this concept at this point.
The other day I had a surprise challenge. I was going about my day, getting ready for a weekend trip by packing and cleaning the house. I was also juggling work tasks and getting ready for online client meetings later in the day. Then, I heard trucks outside from the city. The city was planning on coming out in the next month to replace the master valve underneath the sidewalk that turns off the water to my house. So, I continued to go about my day with my daily routines such as I blended my breakfast smoothie with the plan of taking a shower afterwards to really get my day going. When I went to rinse out my blender, and to my surprise, there was no water. Contrary to my assumption, the workers were not going to give me a heads up about when and how long my water would be out.
Okay, I then realized that no toilet flushing, showers, or dishes were going to happen. After I paused for a minute, I could use this as an excuse to feel righteous outrage at their lack of courtesy, or I could switch gears. I decided the later and decided to make it into a game of creative problem solving. First I used my filtered water picture to rinse out my blender, using the lid as a bowl to catch the rinse water and reuse it on the pitcher. Then I did all the other cleaning tasks I needed to do that would make me sweaty like vacuuming, so I could shower afterwards.
As I went, I praised myself for each solution I found for my tasks without running water. By the time I finished what I could do, the water turned back on. No sweat!
Turning a Challenging Moment Around
“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in the helping you achieve it.” Paulo Coelho, from the Alchemist.
So do you want to be angry and cling to a victim role where you find someone to blame for your circumstances? (In this case it would have been me blaming the city utility workers, the city, or God, whatever) or, do you want to figure out how to thrive in your situation? Being able to adapt is strength in action. Me choosing ways to praise myself instead of flying off in a rage and ruining my mood, and my blood pressure, for the rest of the day was a healthier option. The alternative, option for being angry angry would not have motivated the workers to do the work quicker or be more considerate to me. It would have wasted my energy, given me a headache, destroyed my productivity, and probably started my holiday trip with my partner off on a sour note.
I felt accomplished and proud of myself at the end of the day rather than exhausted and grumpy from a minor setback. I believe this principle can be applied to bigger situations too.
“You can be bitter, or you can be better.” Susan Jeffers from her book, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.
The Truth about A Positive Attitude
This is what positive thinking is supposed to be about; resiliency, flexibility, and adaptability. Did my water get shut off for a reason? Yes, to fix the water shut off valve. Was there a spiritual reason for why things happen so I could learn from it? No. Shit happens and that kind of explanation is an example of toxic positivity which is the opposite of what I’m talking about.
Pain Brings Healing
I approach therapy to help people become stronger, happier, healthier versions of themselves. But, on the other hand, I’m also willing to face the tragic, senseless, painful parts of life with them, not toxic platitudes to avoid facing injustices and discomfort. In grieving comes healing. The final result is integration, courage, strength, and healing.
Personal Alchemy – The Universe is Conspiring with You
When we focus on the negative, it grows exponentially in our minds. It’s like watching the news without ever paying attention to anything that’s going right. This is why gratitude practices can be so transformative. On a very deep level we attract what we put out into the world. When we are passionate, we find other passionate people. Furthermore, we inspire passion in others! It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Gratitude can open the door to a moment of curiosity. This curiosity brings with it possibility and from there, hope can grow.
Courage, Determination, and Personal Power
I have found that the most inspiring stories and the most courageous people are the ones who have overcome the worst adversities. Determination and looking forward to the future makes all the difference. These types of attitudes are what help change us into the people we want to be. Turning toward what scares us and makes us comfortable about ourselves is where we excavate personal power and wisdom.
The process of depth psychology working with dreams and people’s lives in therapy is like mining gold. The treasure hunt is within you. You have to want to dig deep enough into the dark earth to follow the vein to the encounter with your soul. If you’re ready to look deep within you, the synchronicity will show you that the universe is conspiring with you.
Maggi Colwell
Maggi is a licensed art therapist at Columbus Art Therapy who assists their clients to discover more of themselves through dream analysis, art therapy, shadow work, and depth psychotherapy. They specialize in working with grief and loss as well as c-PTSD. Click the button to sign up for Maggi's newsletter to get notifications about new blogs and upcoming events including workshops, groups, rituals, and art.