Who Am I?

A lot of people search for meaning and ask questions such as “how do I know my purpose?”  “Finding your calling, that’s the age-old question, right?  Who are you beneath the masks, roles, and personas? Who are you without the obligations and expectations from our families and society?  Who are you without the defenses and the wounds that cause you to react to the world rather than act from a sense of self?  Finally, who are you destined to be?

What’s Your Calling?

What is your calling?  Big questions for Monday morning, eh?  Honestly, though, it’s my favorite question!  The work I like doing the best with my clients is about finding their calling and embracing their genius.


The concept of genius used to be something that was considered outside the human realm and not just related to “special creative people.”  Elizabeth Gilbert goes into this in her TED talk, Your Elusive Genius

The Myth of Talent

In another video post, I talked about the Myth of Talent.  Here’s the secret!  Everyone is creative.  That’s how we learn languages, how to walk, how to read–how we learn anything and everything.

Carl Jung called this the process of individuation.  You may also know it as the Hero’s Journey.  You are the main character of your journey, the hero or heroine.  I talked about this on Instagram and Facebook today.  You can see the video here.  I am going to keep talking about the path of individuation for a while on my blog and social media, as this is a project that I’ve been deeply invested in for a while now.

Taking the Inner Journey

You don’t have to know where you are going to take the first step onto your path.  The therapeutic process of dream analysis can reveal this as we work together.  The work itself can be hard, but it so rewarding.  Furthermore, you’ll gain energy when you make strides toward your calling.  Reach out if you’d like to chat further about this process and how I work with my clients.