Creative Expressions

An Art Therapy Blog

What do Art Therapy Sessions Look Like?

What do Art Therapy Sessions Look Like?

I get this question all the time, "What does an art therapy session look like?"  "How do you work?" Art therapy sessions can vary depending on the individual and what they bring to the session. As an art therapist, I aim to help clients get in touch with their needs...

How Dreams Help Us Get Out of  a Rut

How Dreams Help Us Get Out of a Rut

How Do You Get Out of Rut? "I feel stuck."  Dreams can give you the guidance you need to help yourself out of a rut and get unstuck. Sometimes we feel stuck, blah, or just don’t have any creative ideas.  Sometimes it’s more than not connecting with the muse.  Then,...

My Rules for Art Therapy

My Rules for Art Therapy

What is Art Therapy?  How Does Art Therapy Work? How do you do Art Therapy? These are some of the questions I get in a lot of calls to my practice.  Art therapy is pretty broad and very customizable.  I spend a lot of time listening to my client's themes, stories, and...

Dealing with Family and the Holiday Blues

Dealing with Family and the Holiday Blues

Historically, I always had an issue with the holiday Blues, even as a kid. It's taken years of education, therapy, and practice with real self-care and boundary setting.  Now, I am to better manage my energy flow for the holiday season.  One of the things that comes...