Creative Expressions

An Art Therapy Blog

Trauma-Informed Art Therapy and Depth Therapy

Trauma-Informed Art Therapy and Depth Therapy

I have found that a lot of the people I work with are survivors. They managed to get through life, but due to complications, they often experience symptoms like migraines or emotional turbulence. Learn how trauma-informed art therapy and depth psychotherapy can help navigate these complexities.

Trauma Treatment in Depth Therapy – The Therapeutic Container

Trauma Treatment in Depth Therapy – The Therapeutic Container

Think about the mythic stories of Persephone, Inanna, and Gilgamesh. In these stories, the characters go into the realm of the dead (a grief process), retrieve something that was lost or hadn’t been integrated into consciousness (because of trauma), and reclaim their power. Finally, they return to the world changed, more mature, more empowered, wiser, and transformed.

The Truth About Shadow Work and Carl Jung

The Truth About Shadow Work and Carl Jung

There is a current trend of people attempting to do shadow work via self-help books and the guidance of influencers who don’t have actual master’s level mental health degrees. It’s terrifying. And what we found from how some people are responding to this is they’re opening up material that they don’t have the support they need to process it. That’s why so much of therapist training focuses on trauma-informed care!

The Archetype of Rest

The Archetype of Rest

Much like a human sabbatical, crop rotation can be beneficial to the biome, as well as leaving overworked or depleted fields fallow for a season to restore fertility. Our culture has these reminders in many ways but has lost the concept of the individual human worker. 

Taking Time for Processing Feelings

Taking Time for Processing Feelings

But we aren’t doing is processing feelings. This means that you slow down to really feel what emotions feel like in your body, see how your body feels about it and then use your mind to really think it through. What does it mean to me?

No Time for Self-Care

No Time for Self-Care

“Shauna Niequist coined the term ‘fake resting’—productive on the surface but burnout-inducing underneath. ‘I had lots of to-do lists,’ admits many in their pursuit of self-help strategies. This self-improvement can worsen negative self-talk and stress levels.

Rest, not ‘fake resting,’ is essential. Surrender to your body’s needs, prioritizing downtime. Put down the phone—it’s winning, listening to your body, intuition, inner child, and soul.