Creative Expressions

An Art Therapy Blog

How Art Therapy Changed My Life

How Art Therapy Changed My Life

The Career of Art Therapy Art therapy is my second career.  While I could always say that I loved painting and loved making things, I had to make a bunch of mistakes during my twenties before I came around to art therapy.  Going back to school and the career of art...

The Holiday Blues

The Holiday Blues

"It's the most wonderful time of the year!"  Well for a lot of people, it isn't. But its Cold and Dark Man! It's getting colder, the days are the shortest they will be all year, and the weather is often dubious.  On that note, I've always thought a wintery mix sounds...

How Art Therapy Works

How Art Therapy Works

How Art Therapy Works One of the most frequent questions I get from new clients is "How art therapy works?" or "How do you work with clients?" Well, it depends. A Unique Process Like every person is a unique individual, how art therapy works is also uniquely tailored...

Working with Dreams in Therapy

Working with Dreams in Therapy

It is not as popular as it used to be for working with dreams in therapy.  However, I work with most of my clients deeply with their dreams.  It helps us uncover unconscious core patterns, resolve issues, and is deep aspect of our healing work together. The First...

Pandemic Stressors for LGBTQia+

Pandemic Stressors for LGBTQia+

Stressors for LGBTQ I've been debating on how to make this post for months, so finally I want to talk about how concerns can be different for communities and vulnerable people.  Here are some of my thoughts about pandemic stressors for LGBTQ. Pandemic Isolation The...

4 Commonly Asked Questions about Art Therapy

4 Commonly Asked Questions about Art Therapy

Today I am sharing some commonly asked questions about art therapy and art therapists.  People thinking about therapy may consider art therapy, but often don't know what it is.  Hopefully, this information will help to further clarify some of those questions. Can...