Art Therapy Group in Columbus

In-Person Therapy Group for Adults
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Weekly In-Person Art Therapy Group for Adults Accepting New Members

Led by Board-Certified Art Therapist Maggi Colwell

Have you been carrying the weight of childhood trauma, grappling with anxiety, depression, and the persistent struggle to prioritize yourself?

It’s time to embark on a healing journey beyond conventional methods. Our weekly in-person art therapy group provides a unique and creative pathway for addressing these challenges and finding profound healing.


Deeper Healing for Adults with Chronic Struggles or Challenges

By the time you reach middle age, you’ve figured out how to deal with the adversity of your past.

You function, not like other people, but you get by. You’re intelligent, resourceful, and resilient. You are a survivor. Wouldn’t it be nice not to feel tension and fear? What would happen if you could relax, have fun, and sleep all night, feeling rested in the morning? How would it feel not to constantly battle the negative voice inside you and get out from under the pressure of the inner critic? You had a less-than-ideal childhood. You might say, “My parents did the best they could. I know why they did what they did. They have their own trauma stories.”

Art therapy can help you rework and rebuild the emotional tending parts that got missed while growing up. It’s a slow process, but you can teach your body it is safe now.

When triggers arise, we care for the inner child and help you meet your emotional needs.


Anxiety, Depression, and Stress

“It can be daunting at first, but it can be rewarding to be authentic with people you don’t know. Then you realize you really aren’t alone.” 


The burden of trauma often manifests as anxiety, depression, and heightened stress levels.


Or it can show up as other issues. You know, the ones that your doctor says, “You are fine; there is nothing wrong,” or “Take this pill.” You know that masks the symptoms but doesn’t take care of why you have weird pain, headaches, stomach issues, or are just too wound up to relax, or sleep problems.


We delve into these complex emotions through art therapy, offering a holistic approach to address your mental well-being. Hint:  those symptoms are usually the nagging emotions you’ve shoved down and out of your awareness. It’s okay; you did this to survive. Or maybe you grew up in a household that didn’t allow space for you or your emotions.

Other parents don’t have the emotional capacity or skills to help kids through the overwhelming nature of their big feelings.


Art Therapy Acts as a Container When You Feel Overwhelmed

The process involves engaging in mindful art activities that act as both a container and a mirror to learn how to interact with what your body is trying to tell you.

There is so much power locked up in those symptoms and emotions. The art can help you hold them and unfold their messages so that you can finally integrate the shadow hidden from you so that you can become empowered. 


The more comfortable you get in the group space, the more of this shadow work we will be able to do. It’s hard to see your blind spots, so they are called blind spots. Guidance by a depth therapist trained in art therapy and symbolism can help guide and keep you safe during this process.


For When Setting Boundaries is Hard and You are Struggling to Prioritize Yourself

“What I can say is that it is a welcoming and safe environment with engaging art activities done both individually and as a group.”  


Art therapy isn’t just about creating art; we explore boundary setting in the group space so you can prioritize self-care. Proper self-care is a medical term for learning how to manage your symptoms and care for yourself between visits to your medical care team. Group art therapy can be a transformative experience where individuals discover the healing power of creative expression, fostering a sense of safety and acceptance.

The more you are willing to lean in, the more you will get out of it.


Group Therapy Impact on Adult Relationships

“It’s a great way to meet and find support from different types of people that you might not otherwise get to know in the common course of your life.” 


Unresolved childhood trauma can cast a shadow over relationships, creating challenges in connecting with others. In our supportive group setting, you’ll build connections with individuals who understand your journey, providing a unique opportunity for mutual support and shared growth.


“Because of the group, I found that I am more willing to put myself out there in other group settings. I know this is good for me.” 

Group Art Therapy: A Creative Healing Journey


 Art therapy is not about artistic skill but the transformative process of self-expression. In each 8-week series, you’ll begin a rich and creative journey that includes:


Mindfulness and Guided Meditations

Center yourself through mindfulness practices and guided meditations tailored to create a conducive environment for self-exploration, self-soothing, self-regulation, and general relaxation. If you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue, this one is for you.


Weekly Check-ins

A platform to share your experiences and connect with others going through similar journeys, fostering community. You realize you aren’t alone or the one person suffering when everyone else in the world is “normal.” 


Art Prompts in Various Mediums

Explore a rich array of artistic expressions, from painting and drawing to sculpting, building things out of recycled materials, collage, etc.,  You never know what we’ll throw into the fun mix next to provide diverse avenues for creative expression and emotional exploration and release.

collaged box project showing self care and personal symbols
collage materials and an art prompt for continued self-care at home.

Supportive Group Discussions

Engage in conversations that promote understanding and healing, guided by a certified art therapist experienced in navigating complex and childhood trauma. 

“I was so glad we had a group over the holidays. That’s when people need it most.” 

Ideas for Self-Care Practice at Home

Receive personalized recommendations for extending the benefits outside of the group so that you can utilize these tools in your daily life. This practice takes your conversation with your artwork to deeper places as you continue to develop your at-home self-care and personal practice.

These activities include active imagination for shadow work, meditation, mindfulness, art exercises, and journaling. 

    Art Therapy Group Details


    Therapy Group Schedule:

    •   Wednesdays: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (mixed gender group)
    •   Thursdays: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM – (for women over 40)

     *New groups are forming to accommodate new members, so sign up to be added to the waitlist if you are interested but need a time that works for you. 


     Chiron Art Therapy, at 1550 Old Henderson Rd, Columbus OH 43220.

     Contact Maggi for a consultation for specific questions.  

    Why Group Art Therapy?


    Insurance does not cover art therapy in Ohio due to state regulations. (boo, hiss!)


    Hospitals often offer art therapy groups for intensive inpatient programs. However, art therapy groups are rare for the general public. This barrier can be problematic when you find that art therapy worked for you in intensive treatment but that individual art therapy is outside your budget. Group art therapy offers a more accessible option to those who would like art therapy to be part of their holistic wellness plan and mental health treatment.


    “My counselor, my talk therapist, is excited about what I’m doing in art therapy and how it is adding to the work we are doing.”

    Maggi Horseman - Art Therapist in Columbus, OH

    I’m Maggi, an art therapist in Columbus 

    I came to art therapy as a second career in my mid thirties when I needed a major life course correction. I wanted to help people, and since I had an art degree, art therapy made more sense than counseling. 

    What I’m saying is that I’ve been through some challenges, a dark night of the soul–I’ve been there.  I understand the confusion, the guilt and shame, the grief, the seemingly never-ending tears.  (I’m happy to say they do end, eventually).  

    I understand the utmost necessity of needing to go your own way and let go of the relationships, the old ways, and the old you that aren’t serving anymore.  

    I have also experienced the betrayal, estrangement, loneliness, the creative block, and the doubt.  Oh! the dark, gruesome wrestling with yourself at night.  I know that demon too.  

    I don’t agree with the adage of “everything happens for a reason.”  Heck no, I wouldn’t wish some of the crap life serves up on anyone!  I do, however, know that that the clear day at the end of the catastrophic storm will dawn.  

    Your art process will be one of discovery for your new path a new you and I’ll be with you to ferry you through it to the other side of muddy waters.  


    How Do I Sign Up?

    How much does it cost?

    One payment of $525 for the first 8 sessions paid up front by check, cash or Zelle.  ($75 savings).


    $75 per session.  Commitment is for 8 sessions at a time.  It helps with accountability and group cohesion.

    Schedule a consultation to get your questions answered get started.  

    I offer one-session art therapy groups on a monthly basis for people to try it out before committing to a full group series.  Schedule a chat with me below to sign up and pay your deposit to hold your spot.  The single session is $75 for 90 minutes.

    The Healing Power of Art:  Expanding on Trauma Therapy

    Trauma therapy through art is a nuanced process that acknowledges the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Art becomes the vehicle through which individuals can navigate the complex landscape of their trauma. Engaging with different mediums bridges the conscious and unconscious, allowing profound revelations and insights.  Learn more about trauma here.  

    A Holistic Approach: Art Therapy as Counseling for PTSD

    Suppose you’re looking for counseling for PTSD, trauma therapy, or a counselor for childhood trauma. In that case, art therapy might be the approach you need. When art therapists treat trauma, they offer a holistic approach that addresses the multifaceted nature of post-traumatic stress disorder. Beyond traditional talk therapy, art becomes a non-verbal language through which individuals can articulate and process their traumatic experiences. These experiences include physical symptoms, gaps in memory, and nightmares. 

    I am not sure I’ll be able to make every session.  Is the group still right for me?

    It is preferrable for everyone to be able to commit to all the sessions.  It helps everyone feel supported and connected in the group environment.  I understand that sometimes illness or emergencies happen though.  Lessons will be available outside of class.  The group processing will remain private and not recorded. You will still be responsible for the sessions you missed.  This is about consistency and accountability.  Group members need each other.  

    A Sanctuary for Healing: Group Therapy in Columbus

    Group therapy provides a sanctuary for healing where individuals share their narratives, realizing they are not alone in their struggles. The group dynamic becomes a source of strength, fostering empathy and understanding. Art becomes the common language, transcending verbal barriers and creating profound and healing connections.


    Trauma Therapy in Columbus Awaits You

    Discover a unique approach to healing at Chiron Art Therapy. Whether you’re seeking counseling for PTSD, trauma therapy, or a supportive group setting, our transformative art therapy offers a way forward. Take a step towards holistic wellness.

    You can ask questions by sending me an email at or schedule a consultation with me and we can chat!